The best restaurant in the area is Hisa Franko in Staro Selo just outside Kobarid. This restaurant is now nr 38 on the world list. In 2017 Ana Ros was voted the best female chef in the world. To enjoy a long evening, perfection in everything from the moment you enter. The restaurant is mostly fully booked, however sometimes they still have a table left.

Kobarid is well known for it’s restaurants. Hisa Franko is partnered with bistro Polonka, known for the (of course) perfect food and their own brewed beer. All for very fair prices. In Kobarid there is also the restaurant Topli Val from Hotel Hvala. Also recommended.

In Most na Soci there are several restaurants; Sterk and Postaja, all worth a visit. The best pizza’s (alongside the delicious ice cream and the perfect coffee) you can get at Pri Jezeru the bar in Most na Soci nearby the petrol station and the lake.

We also recommend restaurant Labrca in Tolmin. There you get tasty local food, well prepared and for decent prices. The location is at the Soca River, just outside over the bridge in Tolmin.

Another place to go is restaurant Postaja Poljana on the border with Italy near Robic, on the road from Kobarid to Italy. Good food at fair prices with friendly service. Just a 10 minutes drive from Kobarid.